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Amount: 67,943,657,946,132

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29,95 € / 1 Mio.

Amount: 899,600,000

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34,405.74 EUR

There has been a new drawing of lotto numbers:
6 8 10 14 24

The rallye "21 Tage Paidmail-Rallye" (Paidmails-Rallye) is over:

Place 1: power4u
Place 2: christian92
Place 3: carin92
Place 4: 411701
Place 5: souoma
Place 6: besuch4u
Place 7: slipnyovap
Place 8: Athene
Place 9: schmitzg
Place 10: tomi908

User of today is: dmd2022. Congratulations!

User of today is: Klamm79. Congratulations!

There has been a new drawing of lotto numbers:
1 4 11 17 25

The rallye "30 Tage Bettel-Rallye" (Bettel-Rallye) is over:

Place 1: jeylo78
Place 2: hulibates
Place 3: taty47
Place 4: vbhh448
Place 5: eiscafejonny
Place 6: tsumi1189
Place 7: swhtmw
Place 8: Track3r
Place 9: Muckifanten
Place 10: gallzar

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Your SkyBanner here?

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