Statistics - Navigation |
Surfbar - Hits of the last 7 day |
2024-11-21 |
Thursday |
6,085 |
2,253 |
2024-11-20 |
Wednesday |
15,953 |
6,077 |
2024-11-19 |
Tuesday |
17,380 |
6,411 |
2024-11-18 |
Monday |
21,039 |
7,641 |
2024-11-17 |
Sunday |
20,232 |
7,518 |
2024-11-16 |
Saturday |
18,505 |
7,394 |
2024-11-15 |
Friday |
17,730 |
6,255 |
Surfbar - Hits of the last 6 months |
November |
442,693 |
162,369 |
October |
944,222 |
347,440 |
September |
913,893 |
343,680 |
August |
977,488 |
361,132 |
July |
1,446,808 |
539,180 |
June |
1,353,003 |
509,633 |
Surfbar - Options |
Total: 5
Betteln |
46,814 |
259 |
Erotik |
46,613 |
192 |
Musik / Sprache |
46,770 |
364 |
Popup |
46,713 |
817 |
Popup 2x |
46,478 |
137 |
Countries |
Total: 30
Belgien |
395 |
2,452 |
Bulgarien |
488 |
1,992 |
China 中国 |
3,017 |
2,102 |
Deutschland |
19,592 |
3,986 |
Dänemark |
403 |
2,083 |
England |
682 |
2,450 |
Estland |
415 |
2,000 |
Finnland |
393 |
2,020 |
Frankreich |
425 |
2,399 |
Griechenland |
390 |
2,011 |
Indien / India |
603 |
2,133 |
Irland |
402 |
2,353 |
Italien |
497 |
2,370 |
Lettland |
456 |
1,995 |
Litauen |
397 |
1,996 |
Luxemburg |
385 |
2,534 |
Niederlande |
442 |
2,578 |
Polen |
499 |
2,375 |
Portugal |
451 |
2,336 |
Rumänien |
454 |
1,998 |
Russische Föderation |
2,087 |
2,270 |
Schweden |
362 |
2,031 |
Schweiz |
483 |
3,548 |
Slowakei |
389 |
2,012 |
Slowenien |
404 |
1,990 |
Sonstige / Other |
1,541 |
2,210 |
Spanien |
442 |
2,387 |
Tschechische Republik |
357 |
2,012 |
Ungarn |
406 |
2,000 |
Österreich |
576 |
3,580 |
34,405.74 EUR |
2024-11-21 User of today is: Heizko. Congratulations!
2024-11-20 There has been a new drawing of lotto numbers:
2 6 8 14 19
2024-11-20 User of today is: ALEX1969. Congratulations!
2024-11-19 User of today is: yenia197333. Congratulations!
2024-11-18 There has been a new drawing of lotto numbers:
6 13 16 19 24
2024-11-18 User of today is: missalice. Congratulations!